Pay Anywhere App Store Reviews


We love feedback of any kind from Pay Anywhere merchants. Whether it is via email, Facebook or Twitter, or the iTunes App Store, we'll take whatever we can get. We want to hear about your experiences in using Pay Anywhere. Here's an example of some user feedback straight from the App Store:

Simply the Best. Period.

  • Superb app.
  • Approval in a couple of hours
  • They call you to give an Welcome. Not a machine - a real person. Amazing.
  • A+ customer service
  • Card reader arrived in 3 business days as promised
  • Worked just fine from minute 1
  • Super happy camper
  • 2 thumbs up: Don't think twice - go for it!
      by Networkingmktgguy

That sums up Pay Anywhere pretty nicely, we think. Especially the customer service part, which we are pretty proud of and are dedicated to providing. And just so you know, we're always listening (good or bad) and working to be the best mobile payment processing solution for you. So, let us know what's on your mind!

We also like to hear what you would love to see from us and what features are important to you, we value our customer's opinions and want to make sure that we are offering a product that meets the needs of our customers. We appreciate hearing where you want to go with your business so that we can help figure out how PayAnywhere can help to take you there and help you grow. 

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