How Creating Content is Like Brewing Beer


It might sound strange to think that creating content has something in common with beer... but hear us out. The folks at Kapost Content Marketeer make a good argument. In their blog they state, "...think of the brewer who crafted that product. Think of how thrilled they’d be if they knew that the words 'favorite beer' conjured their creation. That, after all, is the goal [with beer and content]: to deliver a unique product that hits the spot every time, creates positive and memorable experiences, and comes to mind when people want to kick back and enjoy."

So how can you brew the best content? Check out today's infographic from Kapost and Salesforce ExactTarget Marketing Cloud for ideas and tips.

STRATEGY - Before hopping into content production, find out what your audience likes. Take time to research their tastes and where they overlap with the value your brand provides. | STYLES - Offer a variety of styles to satisfy different needs. Focus on a few tried-and-true content types, then surprise them with small batches of bold, unique creations. | THE INGREDIENTS - Gather internal resources. Tap into real-world knowledge, audience-specific relevancy, and your team's creativity to stir up content ideas. | PLANNING - Next, filter through your ideas. Look at current trending topics, available resources, and requests from other teams to refine your strategy. | BREWING - This is where the magic happens. Stir it all together with writing, design, and collaboration. Give yourself enough time to create a perfectly balanced result. | DISTILLING - It's now time to review and refine your content to its ideal final state. During the distilling phase, seek internal buy-in and make any finishing touches. | BOTTLING - Prepare your content for delivery. You can ship can-sized blog posts, bomber-sized content bundles, or large research pieces big enough to fill a keg. | DISTRIBUTION - After all that brewing, make sure your content is consumed and enjoyed! Ship via social channels, industry spaces, and influencer programs - and share with friends!