5 Digital Marketing Tools Your Business Needs


 Though traditional marketing is still alive and people continue to watch television, listen to the radio, and read magazines, we are living in a digital world. We find ways to skip commercials, get news online, and use social media to learn more about companies and brands. Your business – whether its local, provides a personalized service, or sells products nationally – needs to have a digital media marketing plan.

Here are five digital marketing tools every company should be using:

1. Website. Your company website needs to be attractive to visitors and search engines. It needs to load quickly and have valuable content for your audience. It also needs to be user friendly so visitors can easily find what they need. Your website needs to look as good on mobile devices as it does on desktops, so make sure it has a responsive design.

2. Social Media. Consumers use social media to get word of mouth information about business, products, and services. Social media users post reviews and make referrals to their friends. Your presence on social networking platforms can boost your search engine ranking. Have a professional manage your social media pages to ensure you get the most out of every post. Your social media pages provide a great place for consumers to give you feedback, see your latest offers, and share your content with their own networks.

3. Blog. Blog posts become indexed pages which help increase your visibility on search engines. Posting expert advice and information can position you as an authority and a credible source in your industry. It can also help to build relationships with your consumers. Of all online customers, 61% have made purchases based on blog recommendations. Blogs are powerful, and business should use them to communicate and engage with the market.

4. Email. Along with your website, social media pages, business card collections, and physical sign-up forms, email marketing is valuable to businesses with its ROI of 4,300%. Opt-in email marketing gives you access to an interested audience who will pay attention to your products, services, and events. Email marketing campaigns are faster and less costly than direct mail or banner ads, and they are also easily measured. The ability to assess results allows businesses to make adjustments to optimize their strategy when necessary.

5. App. Develop an app for your business that makes reaching you and receiving your offers easy for consumers. By making a free app available, your business gains greater access to the market. Apps make it easy for consumers to make purchases using mobile devices, and they also grant you the opportunity to alert consumers about discounts and other special offers.

By utilizing the various digital marketing tools available, your customers will not only appreciate your willingness to take the extra steps to engage with them, but they will also be convinced of your business’s ability to keep up with the constantly-changing times.